Explore the neighbourhood and get the most out of your stripes stay.
Room rates are subject to a government tourism tax (“Tourism Tax”) of MYR10 per room per night. The Tourism Tax will be charged at the hotel and payment to be made upon check-out. Malaysian citizens (MyKad) and permanent residents (MyPR) are exempted. It is mandatory to produce MyKad or MyPR upon check-in for registration and identification of nationality and citizenship purposes.
Reconnect and get back in motion with a staycation. Spend a fun evening with You Chill, We Grill as you enjoy an array of sizzling meats and barbecue combos served to your table as our chefs fire up the grill.
Discover STRIPES with the following inclusions:
• Overnight stay
• You Chill, We Grill Dinner
• Complimentary WiFi